This is related to my last commit. I've updated all the JavaScript files to satisfy 'eslint-config-futagozaryuu', my eslint configuration.
I'm sure I've probally missed something, but I've run all NPM scripts and Gulp tasks, fixed any bugs that cropped up, and updated some stuff (mainly related to generated messages), so as far as I can, tell this conversion is over (I know I've probally jixed it just by saying this ;P).
"test/impact" was a bash script before, and used tools spefic to some systems, which required Window users to have more software installed.
This rewrite removes the bash script and add's a cross platform Node.js script that doesn't depend on platform-spefic tools.
- Moved benchmark to test/benchmark
- Moved tests to test/spec
- Removed individual servers
- Implemented single test server
- Moved server assets to test/server
- Updated Gulpfile.js
- Moved tools/impact to test/impact
This commit move's nearly all code related to testing the PEG.js module into the test directory, and also ensures they run as they did before the move.