This is related to my last commit. I've updated all the JavaScript files to satisfy 'eslint-config-futagozaryuu', my eslint configuration. I'm sure I've probally missed something, but I've run all NPM scripts and Gulp tasks, fixed any bugs that cropped up, and updated some stuff (mainly related to generated messages), so as far as I can, tell this conversion is over (I know I've probally jixed it just by saying this ;P).
180 lines
3.5 KiB
180 lines
3.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Measures impact of a Git commit (or multiple commits) on generated parsers
// speed and size. Makes sense to use only on PEG.js git repository checkout.
/* eslint prefer-const: 0 */
"use strict";
const child_process = require( "child_process" );
const fs = require( "fs" );
const os = require( "os" );
const path = require( "path" );
const dedent = require( "dedent" );
const glob = require( "glob" );
// Current Working Directory
const cwd = path.join( __dirname, ".." );
if ( process.cwd() !== cwd ) process.chdir( cwd );
// Execution Files
let PEGJS_BIN = "bin/peg.js";
let BENCHMARK_BIN = "test/benchmark/run";
if ( ! fs.existsSync( PEGJS_BIN ) ) {
PEGJS_BIN = "bin/pegjs";
if ( ! fs.existsSync( BENCHMARK_BIN ) ) {
BENCHMARK_BIN = "benchmark/run";
// Utils
function echo( message ) {
process.stdout.write( message );
function exec( command ) {
return child_process.execSync( command, { encoding: "utf8" } );
function prepare( commit ) {
exec( `git checkout --quiet "${ commit }"` );
function runBenchmark() {
return parseFloat(
exec( "node " + BENCHMARK_BIN )
// Split by table seprator, reverse and return the total bytes per second
.split( "│" )
.reverse()[ 1 ]
// Trim the whitespaces and remove ` kB/s` from the end
.slice( 0, -5 )
function measureSpeed() {
return ( runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() + runBenchmark() / 5 ).toFixed( 2 );
function measureSize() {
let size = 0;
glob.sync( "examples/*.pegjs" )
.forEach( example => {
exec( `node ${ PEGJS_BIN } ${ example }` );
example = example.slice( 0, -5 ) + "js";
size += fs.statSync( example ).size;
fs.unlinkSync( example );
} );
return size;
function difference( $1, $2 ) {
return ( ( $2 / $1 - 1 ) * 100 ).toFixed( 4 );
// Prepare
const argv = process.argv.slice( 2 );
let commit_before, commit_after;
if ( argv.length === 1 ) {
commit_before = argv[ 0 ] + "~1";
commit_after = argv[ 0 ];
} else if ( argv.length === 2 ) {
commit_before = argv[ 0 ];
commit_after = argv[ 1 ];
} else {
console.log( dedent`
test/impact <commit>
test/impact <commit_before> <commit_after>
Measures impact of a Git commit (or multiple commits) on generated parser's
speed and size. Makes sense to use only on PEG.js Git repository checkout.
` );
process.exit( 1 );
// Measure
const branch = exec( "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" );
let speed1, size1, speed2, size2;
echo( `Measuring commit ${ commit_before }...` );
prepare( commit_before );
speed1 = measureSpeed();
size1 = measureSize();
echo( " OK" + os.EOL );
echo( `Measuring commit ${ commit_after }...` );
prepare( commit_after );
speed2 = measureSpeed();
size2 = measureSize();
echo( " OK" + os.EOL );
// Finish
prepare( branch );
console.log( dedent`
test/impact ${ commit_before } ${ commit_after }
Speed impact
Before: ${ speed1 } kB/s
After: ${ speed2 } kB/s
Difference: ${ difference( parseFloat( speed1 ), parseFloat( speed2 ) ) }%
Size impact
Before: ${ size1 } b
After: ${ size2 } b
Difference: ${ difference( size1, size2 ) }%
- Measured by /test/impact with Node.js ${ process.version }
- Your system: ${ os.type() } ${ os.release() } ${ os.arch() }.
` );