Calling the parsing function could have been done without the ugly table
using |eval|, but this seemed to degrade performance significantly (by
about 3 %). This is probably because engines optimize badly in presence
of |eval|.
The method used in this patch does not change the benchmark suite
execution speed statistically significantly on V8.
Detailed results (benchmark suite totals):
Test # Before After
1 38.24 kB/s 38.28 kB/s
2 38.35 kB/s 38.15 kB/s
3 38.43 kB/s 38.40 kB/s
4 38.53 kB/s 38.20 kB/s
5 38.25 kB/s 38.39 kB/s
Average 38.36 kB/s 38.39 kB/s
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/10.0.648.151 Safari/534.1
Originally I wanted to be very explicit with accesses to global object,
but since all this file is about extending it, the |global.| qualifier
seems more like noise.