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# postgresql-socket-url
Generates a well-formed URL for a given PostgreSQL domain socket path and database name. Useful when you want to use a database driver (like `pg`) to connect to PostgreSQL through a Unix domain socket.
## Example
"use strict";
const postgresqlSocketUrl = require("postgresql-socket-url");
let url = postgresqlSocketUrl({
socketPath: "/tmp",
database: "myproject"
console.log(url); // socket:/tmp?db=myproject
## API
### postgresqlSocketUrl(options)
Generates the URL to connect to.
- __options:__
- __socketPath:__ The path of the folder that __contains__ the PostgreSQL socket. *Not* the path of the socket itself.
- __database:__ The name of the database to connect to.
## Changelog
### 1.0.0 (September 14, 2019)
Initial release.