Add About page

Sven Slootweg 12 years ago
parent 1d250c6cac
commit e31ec35a30

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* ReDonate is more free software. It is licensed under the WTFPL, which
* allows you to do pretty much anything with it, without having to
* ask permission. Commercial use is allowed, and no attribution is
* required. We do politely request that you share your modifications
* to benefit other developers, but you are under no enforced
* obligation to do so :)
* Please read the accompanying LICENSE document for the full WTFPL
* licensing text.
if(!isset($_APP)) { die("Unauthorized."); }
$sPageTitle = "About";
$sPageContents = NewTemplater::Render("about", $locale->strings, array());

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ $router->routes = array(
"^/sign-up$" => "modules/signup.php",
"^/login$" => "modules/login.php",
"^/about$" => "modules/about.php",
"^/logout/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$" => "modules/logout.php",
"^/confirm/(.+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$" => "modules/confirm.php",
"^/dashboard$" => array(

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
<h2 class="spaced">About ReDonate</h2>
<h3>What is ReDonate?</h3>
ReDonate is a service for 'voluntary recurring donations'. What this
means in simple terms, is that we allow you to set up recurring
donations to a service, without ever making an automatic charge.
ReDonate works much like a calendar application - every month, you'll
receive an e-mail reminding you of your pledge. The e-mail will include
donation links, so that you can make the donation you pledged, straight
If you want to skip a month or even unsubscribe from a donation
campaign, that's fine! There are no hoops to jump through, no
cancellation periods, and no other kinds of hassle involved.
Basically, it's recurring donations how they were intended - as a
voluntary periodic contribution to a campaign. No automatic charges, no
subscription lock-ins, no other nasty things.
<h3>Why did you set up ReDonate?</h3>
Right now, your options for recurring donations are extremely limited.
Only a few payment processors offer options for this, and all of them
automatically charge your account, and do not allow you to offer payment
methods from competitors.
Donations are intended to be voluntary, not automatic or forced.
ReDonate exists to provide recurring donations for <em>everyone</em>
without a catch, without fees, and without lock-in.
<h3>What do I need to sign up?</h3>
You need an e-mail address, a username, and a password. That's it. Since
we do not actually process any payments ourselves (after all, we just
act as a reminder service), there are no regulations for us to comply
with. Further requirements depend on what payment methods you use.
<h3>What payment methods can I use?</h3>
Any method you wish. We're serious.
Certain payment methods and processors are already integrated, such as
PayPal. Want to use a payment processor that isn't listed? Just enter
the name and your address, account number, or other information that
people need to use that processor, and it'll be shown on the donation
page. No matter what processor it is.
Over time, we will be looking at the most commonly used 'custom' payment
processors and methods, and properly implement them.
<h3>Is there anything you don't allow?</h3>
It's not our job to police the internet. We only act as a 'gateway' and
reminder service, so there's really nothing we can be held accountable
for. If the payment processor or method you are using allows what you're
doing, then we don't see a reason to block you out.
That said, if you disagree with what a ReDonate campaign is collecting
donations for, then please take it up with the campaign administrator or
the payment processor(s) they are using. Don't bother complaining to us
about it - it's not our business.
<h3>Why are the statistics only estimates?</h3>
Because of the way ReDonate works, we don't always have reliable data
to work with. We can only, for example, collect donation statistics
about payment processors that we've explicitly implemented. For other
payment methods and processors, every donor is asked whether they chose
to donate or not. Since there's no way to check whether a donor gave an
honest answer, the data is not very reliable.
The purpose of the statistics we collect is to give you a ballpark idea
of what's going on with your campaign. If you want 100% reliable
statistics, you will have to get the data from the payment processors
that you use.
The possible inaccuracy of the statistics is not a problem - as we don't
process any payments ourselves, the statistics only serve an
informational purpose, and are not critical for operations.
<h3>Can I advertise on ReDonate?</h3>
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: One of the reasons for the existence of ReDonate, is to
make it more feasible to use donations as a sole source of income.
Advertising has incredibly damaging effects on society - most of them
hidden - and we do not wish to support this.
If you want to support ReDonate, you can donate to us via
<a href="/campaign/redonate">our own ReDonate campaign.</a>
<h3>Are you a commercial project?</h3>
No, absolutely not. ReDonate is an entirely non-profit project and will
remain non-profit. We have no interest in making a profit, getting
bought out, or any other commercial goals.
<h3>How do I know ReDonate will continue to exist?</h3>
First things first: even <em>if</em> ReDonate were to stop existing,
there would be no risk for you. We don't hold any funds, so there's
really nothing to lose.
That being said, ReDonate is supported by the
<a href="">Cryto Coding Collective</a>, a non-profit
developer collective that has been successfully running services for the
past two years. ReDonate uses very little resources, and is trivial to
keep running.
<h3>What data do you collect?</h3>
We collect two kinds of data: operational data, and statistical data.
Operational data includes all data that is necessary for proper
functioning of the service. Think your e-mail address, payment processor
information, login details, and so on.
Statistical data consists of data that is used for providing statistics
to campaign administrators, and to ReDonate administrators. In the
latter case, the purpose is to make the service work better.
Statistical data includes pageloads with IP addresses and session IDs
(don't worry, no browser fingerprinting or supercookies), subscription
logs, donation logs, and similar data.
All IP addresses are scrubbed after 30 days, and are only used to
determine 'unique' visitors.
<h3>Is my data safe with you?</h3>
As safe as it's going to be with anyone on the internet that has no
interest in selling or spreading it.
Since ReDonate is a non-profit project with minimal operation costs, we
have no reason to sell your data or otherwise use it for commercial
On the other hand, you should <em>never</em> assume that your data is
100% safe with <em>anyone</em>. Even the organizations that you trust
most, are most likely using your data for purposes you don't agree with.
When in doubt, use <a href="">TOR</a>, and a fake
identity. We don't require you to use a real identity.