@ -293,3 +293,22 @@ SELECT failures.* FROM failures
ON failures.task_result_id = task_results.id
ON failures.task_result_id = task_results.id
task_results.operation = :operation
task_results.operation = :operation
all task_results, with is_candidate precalculated
all task_states for tasks+versions listed in :dependencyTasks
candidates (items which are *permitted* to be run)
all tag-relevant items which are not listed as "in progress", and for which all dependency tasks have been satisfied
all dependency tasks have been satisfied = NOT EXISTS ( join(dependencyTasks, task_states on task/version and where item_id) where is_candidate is null or true )
results (items which *should* be run, in order of preference)
all candidates (item + task_result) for which there is either:
1. no entry in task_states
2. an is_candidate=TRUE entry in task_states
3. an entry in task_states with mismatching task_version