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# varint
encode whole numbers to an array of [protobuf-style varint bytes]( and also decode them.
var varint = require('varint')
var bytes = varint.encode(300) // === [0xAC, 0x02]
varint.decode(bytes) // [300, 2]
## api
### varint = require('varint')
### varint.encode(num[, output=[], offset=0]) -> array
encodes `num` into either the array given by `offset` or a new array at `offset`
and returns that array filled with integers.
### varint.decode(data[, offset=0]) -> [number, length]
decodes `data`, which can be either a buffer or array of integers, from position `offset` or default 0 and returns an array containing `[number, length]` where number is the original integer and length is the amount of bytes that were consumed in order to decode the number
# License