,subject:"Hello, everyone is welcome at SquatConf.."
,subject:'Hello, everyone is welcome at SquatConf..'
,bodyText:"Please verify that you wish to signup by following this link\n%link%\nYou can ignore this message if you DID NOT request to signup at our website\nhttp://squatconf.eu\n\nThe next event is in Paris, we hope to see you there !!\n\nKind regards from the team,\nSquatConf Paris 2014"
,bodyText:'Please verify that you wish to signup by following this link\n%link%\nYou can ignore this message if you DID NOT request to signup at our website\nhttp://squatconf.eu\n\nThe next event is in Paris, we hope to see you there !!\n\nKind regards from the team,\nSquatConf Paris 2014'