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Sven Slootweg feebee59f0 WIP 7 months ago
.vscode Initial commit 7 months ago
src WIP 7 months ago
.gitignore WIP 7 months ago
Cargo.lock WIP 7 months ago
Cargo.toml WIP 7 months ago Initial commit 7 months ago
package.json WIP 7 months ago
shell.nix Initial commit 7 months ago
test.js WIP 7 months ago
yarn.lock WIP 7 months ago


node-veilid: Node.js bindings for Veilid

This project was bootstrapped by create-neon.

Installing node-veilid

Installing node-veilid requires a supported version of Node and Rust.

You can install the project with npm. In the project directory, run:

$ npm install

This fully installs the project, including installing any dependencies and running the build.

Building node-veilid

If you have already installed the project and only want to run the build, run:

$ npm run build

This command uses the cargo-cp-artifact utility to run the Rust build and copy the built library into ./index.node.

Exploring node-veilid

After building node-veilid, you can explore its exports at the Node REPL:

$ npm install
$ node
> require('.').hello()
"hello node"

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

Installs the project, including running npm run build.

npm build

Builds the Node addon (index.node) from source.

Additional cargo build arguments may be passed to npm build and npm build-* commands. For example, to enable a cargo feature:

npm run build -- --feature=beetle

npm build-debug

Alias for npm build.

npm build-release

Same as npm build but, builds the module with the release profile. Release builds will compile slower, but run faster.

npm test

Runs the unit tests by calling cargo test. You can learn more about adding tests to your Rust code from the Rust book.

Project Layout

The directory structure of this project is:

├── Cargo.toml
├── index.node
├── package.json
├── src/
|   └──
└── target/


The Cargo manifest file, which informs the cargo command.

This file.


The Node addon—i.e., a binary Node module—generated by building the project. This is the main module for this package, as dictated by the "main" key in package.json.

Under the hood, a Node addon is a dynamically-linked shared object. The "build" script produces this file by copying it from within the target/ directory, which is where the Rust build produces the shared object.


The npm manifest file, which informs the npm command.


The directory tree containing the Rust source code for the project.


The Rust library's main module.


Binary artifacts generated by the Rust build.

Learn More

To learn more about Neon, see the Neon documentation.

To learn more about Rust, see the Rust documentation.

To learn more about Node, see the Node documentation.